CTL Blog

Pulling the Peer Assessment Tool for a While

August 09, 2017 | 1 Minute Read

Peer Assessments have been available in CoursePlus for the past couple of years. To be honest, though, the tool has never been particularly stable. In half the courses that used the Peer Assessment tool, the peer assessment would go off without a hitch (provided, of course, that the peer assessment was set up properly). In the other half, though, some kind of manual intervention by the team in Center for Teaching and Learning was required. That's not the kind of experience that we want faculty, TAs, and students to have.

After long discussions within the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), we've decided to pull the Peer Assessment tool from CoursePlus for the next few months for a lot of under-the-hood retooling. We're focusing on making the tool completely reliable, requiring no manual intervention by CTL team members — the kind of experience you've rightfully come to expect from all the tools in CoursePlus. There are also performance optimizations around reporting in the Peer Assessment tool that we plan to make because no one gets upset when an application runs faster.

This change most directly affects first and second term courses in the 2017-2018 academic year. CTL instructional desigers have reached out to affected fauclty. If you have not been contacted by a CTL instructional designer and are using the Peer Assessment tool in the first or second academic term, please contact CTL Help right away. We'll connect you with an instructional designer who can work with you on equally effective alternatives.