CTL Blog

CTL Services During the “Remote” Fourth Term

March 18, 2020 | 0 Minute Read

As telework and online classes become the new normal for all of us in the fourth term, the team in CTL wanted to remind you that most of the services we normally provide around lecture production, video recordings, and LiveTalks continue to be offered as normal, though with a “remote” twist.

  • Recordings for lectures produced by CTL will continue to occur, in a “remote studio” with CTL staff.
  • Video recordings continue to be available via our Media Bridge technology.
  • LiveTalks in fully online (.81 or .86 section) classes will continue, even though they will be run and supported remotely.

As always, the CTL instructional design team is here to help you with this transition from on-campus to fully online instruction. CTL Help is ready to answer your questions about CoursePlus. The JHSPH Multimedia team is here to provide one-on-one assistance with Zoom and Panopto.

Just let us know how we can help!