CTL Blog

Would You Miss the QuickLinks Feature If It Were Removed?

April 12, 2010 | 1 Minute Read

Here in the Center, we really do listen to the feedback that students, faculty, and staff give us about course Web sites and how they function. Here's another opportunity for you to let us know what you think about, in this case, the main online courses page.

We're considering dropping the "Quick Links" box found on the online courses home page. Here's why: First and foremost, few people actually use this tool. We could then replace the "Quick Links" box with the content from the "Important News" area. This would have the effect of making the online courses home page simpler, cleaner, and would bring the most frequently accessed links on the page (the links in the "My Courses" box) to the top of the page.

With the availability of really good bookmark managers both inside Web browsers and on the Web in General (ie; del.icio.us), the need for something like the "Quick Links" box has faded. As such, we wouldn't move theĀ "Quick Links" tool anywhere else. We'd simply retire it.

What do you think about this? Is this a good idea? Are you a die-hard fan of the "Quick Links" tool who would be sad to see it go away?