CTL Blog

Weds May 9 CTL Teaching Toolkit: Discussion U: Facilitating Effective Discussions

May 03, 2012 | 1 Minute Read

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The Instructional Design Team at the Center for Teaching and Learning invite JHSPH faculty and TAs to the next Teaching Toolkit lunchtime workshop:

  • What can we do if no one speaks?
  • How does class size affect facilitation strategies?
  • If we use classroom discussion as a learning activity, how do we know that students understand key material?

In this workshop, we will discuss these questions and others so that we can facilitate meaningful classroom discussions.

When: Wednesday, May 9, 12:15-1:15
Where: Bloomberg/Wolfe St. (room number TBA) (all registered attendees will be emailed the location)
How: You are welcome to attend in person, or via Adobe Connect (link will be provided to those who RSVP as remote participants)
Registration: To register for the workshop: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHVQZlhON0RfY25adFBDM29WMlE1b2c6MA#gid=0  (JHSPH Faculty, Staff and TAs only)


  •     Demonstrate best practices for facilitating meaningful classroom discussions
  •     Adapt facilitation skills to a variety of environments (class size, student mix, etc)


  1.     Brief introduction to the science of learning
  2.     Classroom discussion in practice
  3.     Overview of strategies and resources

For more information on the Teaching Toolkit and past event recordings:

We look forward to see you there!