CTL Blog

Showing Your Preferred Pronouns in CoursePlus

September 03, 2021 | 1 Minute Read

Being addressed in the way that you feel most comfortable is an important part of any inclusive learning environment.

For years, CoursePlus has supported the display of the preferred first name that you provide in the University’s central database of information about people at Hopkins: JHED. In March 2020, CoursePlus added support for NameCoach, a service that lets students record the correct pronunciation of their name. If a student records their name in NameCoach, a button shows up in CoursePlus on the roster that lets you hear how they pronounce their name.

The University recently added support for entering preferred personal pronouns (he/him, she/her, they/them, etc.) inside of JHED. We’re pleased to announce that CoursePlus supports the display of your preferred personal pronouns. Preferred personal pronouns appear in the following places in CoursePlus:

  • Roster
  • Excel export of the roster information
  • Discussion Forum (just below the name of each person who makes a post)
  • Listing of Course Groups

Please note that preferred personal pronoun information is synchronized only once per day to the data in JHED. If you enter or and change pronouns in JHED, the changes will appear in CoursePlus the next day.

As always, if you have questions about how preferred pronoun support works in CoursePlus, please contact CTL Help!