CTL Blog


November 13 & 22 Workshops: Service Learning

November 01, 2013 | 1 Minute Read

Utilizing Service-Learning Pedagogy to Integrate Public Health Practice into the Classroom
Wednesday, 11/13/13 12:15-1:15 p.m. OR Friday, 11/22/13 12:15-1:15 p.m.

We invite you to our November workshops:

Are you interested in giving your students practical, real-world experience through your course while providing them the opportunity to connect their career goals and their roles as citizens? This workshop will introduce how to do this through service-learning pedagogy. Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) defines service-learning as “a structured learning experience that combines community service with preparation and reflection. Students engaged in service-learning provide community service in response to community-identified concerns and learn about the context in which service is provided, the connection between their service and their academic coursework, and their roles as citizens” (Seifer, 1998). Service-Learning courses are an excellent means for students to fulfill their practicum requirement while engaging in meaningful service in Baltimore City.

This workshop is designed to provide background information on elements of service-learning including reflection and curriculum development by providing examples of Hopkins service-learning courses, discuss what is involved in integrating service-learning into a new or already existing course, and assist participants to identify whether their course is appropriate for service-learning. Finally, the workshop will discuss next steps for participants interested in service-learning. This introductory workshop will be led by SOURCE (Student Outreach Resource Center) staff. As the community service and service-learning center for the JHU Health Professional Schools, SOURCE partners with over 100 different community-based organizations (CBOs) in Baltimore City and matches courses with community-identified projects for the benefit of both student learning and health outcomes in Baltimore City.

=>Register for this event (11/13/13 12:15-1:15 p.m. @ Wolfe Street +Online)

=>Register for this event (11/22/13 12:15-1:15 p.m. @ Hampton House +Online)