CTL Blog

Major Updates to the Drop Box in CoursePlus

March 25, 2013 | 1 Minute Read

Just in time for the fourth term, the team in the Center for Teaching and Learning has added some major new features to the Drop Box in CoursePlus. Here's what's new:

  • Students can submit files on behalf of a group. When a student submits a file to a group-enabled Drop Box, the student sees a drop-down list of all the course groups to which she is assigned. If the student is turning in a file for the group, she selects the appropriate course group from the list. When a student submits a file, all group members get an email confirmation of file submission, and the faculty view of the Drop Box shows that all group members turned in the file. Learn more about submitting for a group in the Drop Box.
  • Timed Drop Boxes. You can now set up a Drop Box so that a student will only have a set amount of time from the moment they "unlocked" a Drop Box before they can no longer submit a file to a Drop Box. If you have an assessment where students need to work inside of a specific type of document (an Excel file or R script, for example), you can offer that document to students and know that students only have a limited amount of time to work with the document and return it to you via the course website. Learn more about this powerful new feature.
  • Get notified about submissions after the deadline. You've been able to get email notification of all submissions to a Drop Box, but now you can be notified only after the due date and time of the Drop Box, if you want. Learn more about submission notification options.

The addition of these features brings the Drop Box in CoursePlus in line with the Drop Box in online courses, so you have the same options and opportunities available in each!