CTL Blog

Lots of Tweaks to the Printed Syllabus

December 06, 2017 | 1 Minute Read

We know that the syllabus document is an important piece of any course. The School has encouraged faculty to use the Syllabus Builder tool in CoursePlus to build their course syllabi, as it provides a consistent and easily accessible format for students viewing this information.

We get a lot of feedback about the printed version of the syllabus as well, and we've recently made a number of small changes based on faculty feedback:

  • The base font of the whole printed document is now slightly larger
  • Space between sections of content has been shortened
  • The word "Syllabus" had been removed from the document title
  • In the footer:
    • the course title and time of last update have been removed
    • the page number has been moved onto the same line as the rest of the footer
    • the font size has been increased
  • The phrase "Online Course" is no longer shown if no room number is provided in the Syllabus Builder

Additionally, on the Syllabus Builder tool itself, when you add a section to the syllabus from the "New Section" tool, that section is removed from the list of options in the "New Section" tool drop-down.

Your feedback is, as always, critical to the success of CoursePlus. If you'd like to see other changes in the printed version of the syllabus, please contact CTL Help!