Four New Features in the Quiz Generator from July 2020
In addition to the new question tag features recently added to the Quiz Generator in CoursePlus, the CoursePlus team has added the following four new features to the Quiz Generator in July, 2020:
- Faculty can now copy quizzes from any course that they teach, not just quizzes from previous offerings of the same course.
- You can now provide a template that students should follow when answering an essay question. This template text — which can include tables or images — will appear in the rich text editor the first time that a student starts to work on an answer to an essay question. If you have an essay question response which needs to be completed in a specific way, templates are here for you!
- Essay and fill-in-the-blank questions now allow for the entry of grading guidance for the question that is displayed when faculty or TAs grade essay and fill-in-the-blank questions. This guidance is shown only to faculty and TAs during the grading process. The guidance text can be short or long, and can include tables or full rubrics for how to evaluate the student response.
- Finally, you can now have match-from-two-list answers that don’t match anything at all! In addition to the standard eight items you can match for grading, you can also add up to five more items that don’t match anything.
We hope that these new features will make building and grading your quizzes and exams both easier and more flexible. If you have any questions about question tag features, please contact CTL Help!