CTL Blog

Flipped Classrooms: Lectures and Homework Trade Places

May 07, 2012 | 1 Minute Read

Trending meme alert! Trending meme alert!

What is one of the latest trending topics in (higher) education? "Flipped Classrooms." I'd tell you what that means, but this web page does such an interesting job of showing it graphically (and using pictures of dogs no less):


Additionally, the Educause Learning Initiative's "7 Things You Should Know About" series tends to be on top of these trends, and sure enough, just this month they released a version on flipped classrooms. Be sure to open the PDF link to read the whole article:


"The value of a flipped class is in the repurposing of class time into a workshop where students can inquire about lecture content, test their skills in applying knowledge, and interact with one another in hands-on activities."

Further references:

The Flipped Class Manifest
5 Best Practices for Flipped Classrooms ("It is a great first step in reframing the role of the teacher in the classroom.")

But that's just an introduction. Instructors, want to put theory into practice and speak to someone about flipping your course, engaging students in new ways, or increasing levels of engagement? Contact the JHSPH Instructional Design Team for a consultation. Free while supplies last! :)