CTL Blog

Wiki Changes for Summer 2011

June 24, 2011 | 1 Minute Read

The wiki tool in online courses was recently updated to include a number of changes and new features. These include:

  • If someone starts to edit a wiki page, and there are other people editing that wiki page at the same time, a notification that others are editing the page is placed at the top of the wiki page. If one of those other people saves their changes to the wiki page while it is being edited by someone else, a notification appears on the screen of those who are still editing the page that it has been saved by someone else and that saving the page at this point will overwrite the other person's changes.
  • Notification of a wiki being marked as "Finished" is now turned off by default. There is an option in the setup for each wiki to turn this on. If notifications are turned on, they go to the whole instructional team, including course primary faculty, TAs, and instructional designers.
  • The rich text editor is now used when making comments on a wiki page.
  • Viewing a history of all changes made by a specific author where the author worked on a page that was deleted no longer throws an error.