CTL Blog

Updates to the New Peer Assessment Tool Since Launch

May 13, 2024 | 2 Minute Read

Since the launch of the new version of the Peer Assessment tool in March, 2024, the CoursePlus team has received a good bit of feedback about the new version of the tool.

While not every requested change can be made immediately, the team has worked hard to implement small changes and bug fixes as they arose. Below is a list of all the changes made to the tool since the start of the fourth term:

The #1 source of confusion for students (and some faculty) has been the requirement that they click a box in each row in order to complete the associated rubric. The old version of the tool would auto-select a box based on the score given for a criteria, but this would sometimes not represent the box that an individual wanted to select. The CoursePlus team iterated over a number of ways to address this confusion, and an update to the rubric tool to address this confusion went live on May 9, 2024.

The updated rubric form includes clickable buttons inside each of the boxes in the rubric.

In this update, there is a clickable button inside of each rubric box, more strongly inviting users to click inside the boxes. The “highlighting” of a selected box has also changed from light gray to light blue, as the gray was leading some students to think that the box was disabled instead of selected.


  • Faculty and TAs can now view the rubric for an individual student, enabling them to see exactly what a student sees when they working on a peer assessment.
  • Faculty and TAs can now see the name of each student being assessed on an individual student’s listing of peer assessments to complete when a peer assessment is set to not display student names to students.
  • The final score for a student is now included in the Excel export of all student activity data for a peer assessment.
  • While filling out a rubric, the button to download a linked Drop Box file is no longer displayed when the student being evaluated did not submit a file to the linked Drop Box.
  • The link to download a marked-up file provided by the individual student assessor no longer shows if the individual student assessor did not upload a marked-up file.
  • A bug preventing written comments for each rubric criteria from showing in the student results report has been fixed.
  • A bug where student names would be shown in the file name when downloading files from a linked Drop Box has been fixed.

As always, if you have questions about this transition, please reach out to the CTL Help team, and we will be happy to answer any questions you might have.