CTL Blog

Sending Content to the Portfolio Tool

September 01, 2015 | 1 Minute Read

The new portfolio tool in CoursePlus allows students to create a map of their intellectual development at time at the School. Part of that map is the evidence that students provide to show that they achieved certain competencies at certain points in their degree program. Evidence can take many forms, but it most often comes in the form of work done in classes.

CoursePlus now has the ability to send class work in a number of formats to a student's portfolio with a click of a button. If a student is in a program that uses the portfolio tool, a button appears in the following tools to send that file or content to their portfolio's Evidence Library:

  • Drop Box: any file a student submits to a Drop Box can be sent to the portfolio.
  • Discussion Forum: individual discussion forum posts which a student has made or a topic in which a student has participated can be sent to the portfolio.
  • Peer Assessments: peer assessment results can now be sent to the portfolio.
  • Wikis: any page on which the student is a writer can be sent to the portfolio.

Any evidence which is sent to the portfolio from a course will include the course number, title, term and academic year wherever that evidence is displayed in the student portfolio. This makes it simple to associate specific evidence (files, posts, assessment results) with a specific competency in the portfolio.