CTL Blog

PDF Annotator Now Available from Information Systems

September 02, 2014 | 1 Minute Read

Ross McKenzie, the Director of Information Systems, sent out an exciting email message today:

Information Systems is happy to announce that we have finalized a site license for PDF Annotator software. PDF Annotator is a Windows software that allows adding highlights and notes to any PDF file. It will work on scanned image PDFs as well as PDFs created from files.

Complete details on acquiring the software and getting a license key are in the portal at


Mac users, don’t despair! There are directions at the same location for annotating PDFs using the Mac program Preview or obtaining a freeware program called Skim.

PDF annotation is a great way to reduce the amount of paper generated by online courses and online supplements to face-to-face courses. Additionally, if lecture notes are stored digitally, they become searchable, which is a big boon when reviewing for exams. If you have your notes in digital format, you can store them "in the cloud" via a service like GMail, or DropBox, or even in your JHSPH email account. If you do that, those digital notes can go with you wherever you have a connection to the Internet, so the notes you need don't get left at home when it's time to go to work or school.

For more information about PDF Annotator, see the link above. Mac users already have PDF annotation software installed on your computer. It's done with an application called Preview, and there is built-in help to demonstrate PDF annotation.