CTL Blog

Extended Site Downtime Coming in January

December 09, 2011 | 1 Minute Read

On Thursday, January 5, and Friday, January 6, 2012, there will be extended site downtime for CoursePlus, online courses, and the eLearning account system. We're moving our systems into a new server setup which provides faster machines and much improved redundancy.

We know that this is, potentially, a long time for the sites to be offline, but the pain now will be balanced out over time by needing little downtime for these sites in the future. These days were chosen for this downtime as they represent a time when, historically, there has been little activity in the online courses and CoursePlus.

We understand that the Winter Institutes begin on Monday, January 9, 2012, and that this may directly impact faculty and administrative staff who are setting up CoursePlus sites for those institutes. It is our expectation that the downtime will be limited to Thursday, January 5, but it is possible, given the scale and scope of this work, that downtime will extend into Friday, January 6. That is why we are warning about downtime on both of these days.

We apologize for the inconvenience that this will cause, but ask that you plan accordingly for this outage and expect that no work will be done in online courses or CoursePlus sites on these days.