CTL Blog

Drop Box Updates for the Summer

August 21, 2018 | 1 Minute Read

The team that builds CoursePlus is continually looking for ways to improve your experience using CoursePlus. We receive detailed feedback from faculty, staff, and students, and we try to incorporate that feedback into ongoing updates to CoursePlus.

Based on your feedback, we have made a number of small (but hopefully useful) changes to the Drop Box tool:

  • An "Instructions" field is now available in the setup of all Drop Boxes. Previously, this field was only available to timed Drop Boxes. Faculty and staff no longer need to use the "Assignment Description" field in Schedule Builder for the display of Drop Box-specific instructions.
  • If the honor pledge is required in the Drop Box setup, the Honor Pledge now has a larger header when students access the Drop Box to submit a file.
  • When you create a new Drop Box linked to the course schedule, a warning appears stating that the Open and Due dates for the Drop Box will be inherited from and edited in the Course Schedule for the Drop Box.

If you have any questions about these changes, please contact CTL Help!